Friday, April 6, 2012

When It Rains_WIP Post

Hiya Blogspot!

I drew another comic, and wanted to share my work in progress sketch with you! This pose was difficult to draw, but I had fun trying to figure it out. I think it turned out all right. Enjoy :)

Finished Comic! (or if that's too easy for you click on the ranting ants link to your right) ----->

Thanks for reading,

Teresa : )

Monday, March 12, 2012

Vulture Rigging: WIP #1


Here's a work in progress post, just to prove i'm not watching cute kittens on youtube all day. The very talented Hannah Olson finished modeling a vulture for our professor's short film!

I get the pleasure of rigging it so here's what I've got so far:

Note: When doing anything in maya, always double check your views!! Things might look right in one view, but be completely wrong in the next...

Ta Ta For now! Thanks for reading :D


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Oscar Nominees

Absolutely random "art"

Now that the oscars are over, enjoy this collage!

If you'd like the PSD file give a comment, and I'll get it to you asap!

(I'm trying to figure out a way to just have a link available for you to download)

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Coffee Shop Creeper

Hullo Thar!

My blogs continue to go unloved...but I'll keep trying anyway. Mhmmm this doesn't say much for improvement, but here's the most recent creeper chronicles. They actually look quite similar from the ones I uploaded two years ago...but umm at least I did them faster? I'll have to finish reading my anatomy/figure drawing books one day as I keep practicing. Since, I have a temporary break from job hunting I can relax a little and have some fun. Without further ado Creeper Chronicles III: A Coffee Shop Quick Draw!

Thanks for looking :) I spent like 45 minutes at Starbucks while my car got an oil change :P
